MI Bridges transforms how the State interacts with residents in Michigan, supporting a holistic approach that supports the needs of individuals and families. In implementing MI Bridges, the Michigan state government hopes to become a business partner in growth and development instead of a transactional assistance provider.


Accessing MI Bridges Login is simple, and you can take advantage of a range of services by logging in. We’ve provided the following guide to help you navigate the portal and its services for your convenience.

Frequently Asked Questions

To use the new MI Bridges, do I need an active case?

No, all Michigan residents are encouraged to access the new MI Bridges, not only those enrolled in MDHHS. MI Bridges can be useful to all Michigan residents because they will be able to search for and connect with local resources/agencies.

Is MI Bridges able to tell me if I am already enrolled in a benefits program?

Check view benefits to see if you are receiving benefits as the Head of Household in your case. When you click on view benefits, you will only see the benefits that you are currently enrolled in.

How soon will I receive text message notifications?

Your text message notifications will be sent the morning your letter is processed, around 9:00 a.m.

How far will MI Bridges search when I search for resources?

MI Bridges will populate resources up to 100 miles away.

Does my navigator have access to my benefits and letters?

Navigators can only see your correspondence and benefits if they have permission to do so. Make sure you have approved sharing benefits information with your navigator in your account preferences.

How can I view case information?

MI Bridges provides clients with more benefits information than ever before. Those who are the heads of households can see the number of benefits they are receiving, their renewal dates, the date benefits were added to their Bridge cards, and much more.